
AI-Aided Quantum Chemistry Service

CD ComputaBio enhances traditional quantum chemistry methodologies with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) technologies, allowing researchers and enterprises to achieve unprecedented insights into chemical behavior and interactions. Our comprehensive AI-aided quantum chemistry services offer a powerful toolkit for molecular modeling, predictive analytics, and innovative problem-solving across various industries.

QM/MM simulationsFigure 1. QM/MM simulations.

Applications of Quantum Chemistry

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    Materials Science

    Whether you're working with nanomaterials, superconductors, or polymers, our quantum chemistry simulations can provide insights into stability, reactivity, and performance metrics, crucial for material selection and innovation.
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    Environmental Chemistry

    Understanding environmental processes at a molecular level is crucial for developing sustainable solutions to pollution and resource management. Our quantum chemistry services can simulate the behavior of pollutants, their interactions in various conditions, and degradation pathways.
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    Quantum chemical simulations can reveal details of catalytic mechanisms, including active sites and reaction pathways. By employing AI, we can enhance the discovery of new catalysts and optimize existing ones, improving yield and reducing energy consumption in industrial processes.

Our Services

QM/MM simulations

QM/MM Simulation Service

An important advantage of QM/MM methods is their efficiency. The cost of doing classical molecular mechanics (MM) simulations in the most straightforward case scales as O(N2), where N is the number of atoms in the system. This is mainly due to electrostatic interactions term (every particle interacts with everything else).

MEP calculation

MEP Calculation Service

CD ComputaBio uses various density functional theory (DFT) methods and ab initio methods to study the electrostatic potential of representative molecular series. CD ComputaBio selects the standard electrostatic potential of the molecular electrostatic potential calculated by QCISD and compares multiple DFTs.

NOP analysis

NOP Analysis Service

Through NBO analysis, CD ComputaBio can easily determine the number of atoms in the calculated molecule, the type and composition of various molecular orbitals, and the intramolecular and intermolecular superco-interactions.

Chemical reaction mechanism calculation

Chemical Reaction Mechanism Calculation Service

CD ComputaBio uses the density functional theory of quantum chemistry to conduct detailed theoretical research on its reaction process and mechanism. The reactants, transition states, and products are optimized and frequency analyzed, and the corresponding stable configurations are obtained.

Spectrum prediction

Spectrum Prediction Service

Quantum chemical calculation methods can be used to simulate and analyze the three-dimensional structure and electronic orbits of organic molecules, and predict organic matter. CD ComputaBio can provide you with professional spectrum prediction services such as ultraviolet spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.

Analysis Methods

Density Functional Theory (DFT)

DFT is one of the most widely used quantum mechanical models for investigating the electronic structure of molecules. Our AI-enhanced DFT simulations allow for efficient and accurate calculations of molecular geometries, energy levels, and reaction pathways.

Wave Function Theory

By employing the AI method in the coupled cluster (CC) and Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2), our methodologies significantly enhance the efficiency of these calculations, enabling the effective analysis of even the most complex systems.

Machine Learning Models

The integration of machine learning with quantum chemistry allows us to manage vast datasets efficiently. We enhance our predictive capabilities through data-driven approaches, enabling rapid hyperparameter tuning and model validation, thus streamlining the quantum chemistry workflow.

At CD ComputaBio, we stand at the intersection of artificial intelligence and quantum chemistry, dedicated to revolutionizing how chemical and biological studies are conducted. Our AI-aided quantum chemistry services leverage cutting-edge simulations to provide unparalleled insights and solutions across various industries, including pharmaceuticals, materials science, and environmental chemistry. If you are interested in our services or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


  • Rugut E K, Maluta N E, Maphanga R R, et al. A Density Functional Theory Insight into Structural, Mechanical, and Optical Properties of Rb2LiTlF6 Double Perovskite[J]. Advanced Engineering Materials, 2024, 26(5): 2300995.


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