
Antibody–Antigen Docking Service

Welcome to CD ComputaBio, your trusted partner in computational biology services. We specialize in antibody-antigen docking, a cutting-edge approach that plays a pivotal role in drug discovery, vaccine design, and understanding immune responses. Our team of experts is dedicated to providing comprehensive solutions to meet your specific research needs and accelerate your scientific advancements.

Our Services

  • Antibody-Antigen Docking Analysis
    Our comprehensive analysis includes evaluating key residues involved in the interaction, exploring potential binding sites, and assessing the structural compatibility of the molecules.

Block diagram for computational modeling in antibody-antigen docking.Fig 1. Block diagram for computational modeling in antibody-antigen docking.

  • Structural Refinement and Optimization
    Our team performs structural refinement and optimization of the antibody-antigen complex to ensure accurate modeling and reliable predictions. Through molecular dynamics simulations, we simulate the dynamic behavior of the complex and investigate conformational changes upon binding.

Antibody-antigen docking result.Fig 2. Antibody-antigen docking result.

  • Epitope Prediction and Mapping
    We offer epitope prediction services to identify potential antigenic regions on the target protein. We can facilitate rational vaccine design, antibody engineering, and immune profiling studies by mapping epitopes onto the protein structure.

Software and Tools


AutoDock is a widely used molecular docking software that enables us to predict the binding poses and energies of small molecules with protein receptors. By incorporating AutoDock into our workflow, we can perform high-throughput virtual screening, optimize ligand binding, and explore potential binding pockets in the antibody-antigen complex.


HADDOCK is a versatile docking software that integrates experimental data and bioinformatics information to refine antibody-antigen complexes. It employs a data-driven approach to generate low-energy structures of antibody-antigen interactions, facilitating the identification of key binding residues and interaction interfaces.


ZDOCK is a high-performance docking software that specializes in predicting protein-protein interactions, including antibody-antigen complexes. By employing fast Fourier transform-based algorithms, ZDOCK efficiently explores the conformational space of antibodies and antigens, enabling the identification of optimal binding configurations.

Result Delivery

  • Comprehensive Docking Report - We provide a detailed report summarizing the docking protocol, methodology, results, and analysis. The report includes visual representations of the predicted binding mode and key interactions.
  • Interactive Visualization - We offer interactive 3D visualization of the docked complex, allowing you to explore the molecular interactions and structural details in a user-friendly interface.

Why Choose CD ComputaBio?

By partnering with CD ComputaBio for your antibody-antigen docking needs, you can benefit from:

  • Expertise
    Our team of computational biologists and bioinformaticians bring years of experience in antibody-antigen docking simulations, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of our predictions.
  • Cutting-edge Tools
    We leverage advanced molecular docking software and tools to optimize antibody-antigen interactions, enabling you to make informed decisions in your drug discovery projects.
  • Custom Solutions
    We tailor our services to meet your specific research requirements, providing personalized antibody-antigen docking solutions that align with your project goals.

At CD ComputaBio, we employ advanced molecular docking algorithms and simulations to accurately model the interactions between antibodies and antigens. Our team of experienced bioinformaticians and computational biologists is available to discuss and interpret the results, address any questions or concerns, and provide guidance on the next steps. If you are interested in our services or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


  • Zamora-Ledezma C, Medina E, Sinche F, et al. Biomedical science to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic: current status and future perspectives[J]. Molecules, 2020, 25(20): 4620.


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