
Calculation of Molecular Dipole Moment

Welcome to CD ComputaBio, Your trusted partner in computational chemistry and molecular modeling. Amongst our comprehensive suite of services, we specialize in the calculation of molecular dipole moments, providing insightful analysis and detailed reports that empower researchers and industries alike to accelerate their understanding of molecular interactions.

What is Molecular Dipole Moment?

The molecular dipole moment is a vector quantity that reflects the distribution of electrical charge within a molecule. It is a fundamental property in the field of chemistry that describes how charge is separated in polar molecules. Essentially, the dipole moment arises from the differences in electronegativity between atoms that create partial positive and negative charges.


where q is the magnitude of the charge and d is the distance between the charges.

The dipole moment is measured in Debye units (D), where 1 D≈3.33564×10-30 C⋅m.

Our Services

Structure optimization

Molecular Structure Optimization

We use advanced computational methods (such as Density Functional Theory and Hartree-Fock methods) to optimize molecular structures prior to dipole moment calculations. An optimized geometry ensures accurate dipole moment results, free from artifacts that could arise from sub-optimal structures.

Dipole moment calculation

Molecular Dipole Moment Calculation

Our team employs state-of-the-art software and algorithms to compute the dipole moments of a wide range of molecules. This includes both small organic compounds and larger biomolecules. We can calculate both the static and dynamic dipole moments based on the molecular environment.

Molecule analysis

Highly Polarizable Molecules Analysis

We provide specialized analysis for molecules with high polarizability. Such information is valuable in fields like materials science and nanotechnology.

Molecule modeling

Comparison of Dipole Moments

Our comparative studies between different molecular conformers or different compounds can provide insights into how structural variations affect dipole moment and, by extension, molecule behavior.

Process of Calculating Dipole Moment

  • Structure Optimization
    First, optimize the molecular structure and find the conformation with the lowest energy.
  • Dipole Moment Calculation
    Use the optimized molecule as the initial structure and use a larger basis set to calculate the dipole moment.
  • Result Analysis
    By calculating the dipole moments of different molecular configurations and comparing them with experimental values, we can also determine the molecular configuration.

Techniques and Software

Software Description
Gaussian Gaussian is a widely used quantum chemistry calculation software that can handle a variety of chemical problems from small molecules to large molecules.

Project Snapshot

Project analysis

Molecule apfd/6-31g(d) apfd/6-311+g(d,p) apfd/6-311+g (3df, p) apfd/6-311++g (3df, p)
Cis-Dichloroethylene 2.0219 1.9156 1.7456 1.8838
trans-Dichloroethylene 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Result Delivery

  • Comprehensive Reports
    Each calculation report includes detailed information regarding the methods used, optimization steps, numerical results for dipole moments, visual diagrams of molecular charge distribution, and insights based on the results.
  • Data Formats
    Reports can be delivered in various formats (PDF, DOC, Excel) as per client requirements, ensuring compatibility with client data management systems.
  • Personalized Consultation
    Upon delivery of results, our experienced team is available for further consultations. We provide interpretation of results, discussing implications and potential applications, thereby transforming numeric data into actionable insights.

At CD ComputaBio, we specialize in providing advanced computational biology services, and one of our key offerings is the calculation of molecular dipole moments. Understanding the dipole moment of a molecule is crucial for predicting its behavior in various environments, assisting in drug design, and understanding molecular interactions. If you are interested in our services or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


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