
Antibody Affinity Maturation

At CD ComputaBio, we specialize in advancing biopharmaceutical research through innovative computer simulations and expert services. Among our cutting-edge offerings, antibody affinity maturation stands out as a critical process for enhancing the binding strength and specificity of antibodies.

Applications of Antibody Affinity Maturation

Therapeutic Antibodies

Affinity maturation is fundamental in the development of therapeutic antibodies, enhancing their efficacy in treating diseases. Improved binding affinity can lead to:

  • Increased Potency: Higher affinity mAbs can be effective at lower doses, reducing side effects and improving patient outcomes.
  • Enhanced Targeting: Matured antibodies can selectively target disease markers, minimizing off-target effects.

Diagnostic Tools

High-affinity antibodies are essential for precise detection in various diagnostic applications, including:

  • Immunoassays: Improved specificity and sensitivity lead to more reliable test results, crucial for early disease detection.
  • Biosensors: High-affinity antibodies enhance the performance of biosensors, offering quicker and more accurate readings.

Our Services

Computational Modeling

Using advanced computational tools, our experts perform simulations to predict mutations that could enhance affinity.

  • Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations: To study the interactions at the molecular level and identify key residues.
  • Rosetta and PyMOL Software: For structural modeling and computational design of variants.

Generalized workflow of antibody modeling.Fig 1. Generalized workflow of antibody modeling.

Mutagenesis and Library Construction

Following computational predictions, we construct a library of mutated variants based on the identified hotspots.

  • Site-Directed Mutagenesis: Targeting specific amino acid residues for modification.
  • Random Mutagenesis: Introducing changes across multiple residues to enhance diversity.

Antibody modelingFig 2. Antibody modeling

Analysis Methods

Molecular Dynamics (MD) Simulations

Utilizing advanced MD simulations to model the interactions between antibodies and antigens, allowing us to predict binding affinities and identify key residue interactions.

Docking Studies

Implementing state-of-the-art docking algorithms to predict how well an antibody binds to its target. We analyze conformational flexibility to ascertain the best binding conformations.

Affinity Comparison

We compare the developed antibody variants against benchmark antibodies and their known affinities to provide a clear context for the improvements achieved through our maturation process.

Service Details

Service Details Deliverables Lead Time
  • DNA Shuffling
  • Library Construction and Screening
  • Antibody Characterization
  • In silico analysis and prediction
  • Antibody sequence and sequencing report
  • Top 1-3 of the optimized antibodies
  • Full analysis report (PDF)
Depends on the time you need to simulate and the time required for the system to reach equilibrium.

Sample Requirements

  • Type of Antibody: Please provide a detailed description of the antibody, including whether it is a monoclonal antibody, polyclonal antibody, or a recombinant antibody.
  • Source: Indicate the origin of the antibody and any relevant background information.

CD ComputaBio is at the forefront of biopharmaceutical development, offering cutting-edge services in antibody affinity maturation. Our advanced computer simulation techniques enable precise optimization of antibody interactions, providing our clients with high-affinity antibodies tailored to their specific research needs. This page outlines our services, sample requirements, analysis methods, and results delivery process. If you are interested in our services or have any questions, please feel free to contact us.


  • Kovaltsuk A, Krawczyk K, Galson J D, et al. How B-cell receptor repertoire sequencing can be enriched with structural antibody data[J]. Frontiers in immunology, 2017, 8: 1753.
  • Sevy A M, Meiler J. Antibodies: Computer-aided prediction of structure and design of function[J]. Antibodies for Infectious Diseases, 2015: 173-190.


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